Saturday, August 4, 2007

Gearing Up...

Looks like there's trouble brewing elsewhere at the moment. I'll have to find out what's going on with these new Room Crew-mates' arrivals in due time. Right now, one of the other members of the Terrain Resistance is in need of aid: Mouse. Something about Naraku and Voldemort and the Book of the Dead, I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with this Naraku.

Synapse is prepared to help out with any spying/scouting that would be needed. Timebomb's ready to stretch his fighting skills again.

Speaking of Synapse, that spaceship is currently curled up in my room. 10-feet of large metal robot in my room. Thanks for the heads-up Kenya, he came back home safe and sound to a rather agitated me. I couldn't berate him too much, he started to wilt after my first few words so we settled for just quiet, relieved sitting time. The Room Crew has scattered all over my room to welcome Synapse back. least the Autobot section of the Room Crew. Starscream and Megatron could care less. Skywarp and Thundercracker, they were nice enough to bid a small welcome.

My little guys are all itching for some sort of action. After hearing news of Mouse's trouble, they're quite ready to do something. I warned them off combat though.

"You guys aren't made of steel and you all are not over 15 feet in height. I don't want you all getting hurt!"

"But we can help," says Tracks adamantly. Movie!Bumblebee and Ironhide nod, or in Ironhide's case, whirs and charges his cannons.

"You'll get crushed, that's what," I grumble under my breath as I settle back, the purr of Synapse's engines somewhat calming. The Crew's been at it all day.

"There must be something we can do. We cannot let you or them fight alone," Optimus Prime says. For a tiny guy, he's got a big heart--er lasercore?

I sigh. "We'll see what you all can do. I've told Mouse about out willingness to help out. If he has any ideas for you, I'll take you all off the side-lines. But only until then."

Skyfire and Perceptor are watching this whole thing quietly. I think they're both calculating up the damages that can occur and are figuring out how to repair them.

"Sentimental idiots, the lot of you. You can count the Decepticons out of this shenanigan!" sneers movie!Starscream. Yeah, this incarnation of Starscream won't listen to a word of tiny Megatron. But the two of them think on the same tracks. Only Thundercracker looks a little dubious about non-involvement, and if TC is dubious, Skywarp must be feeling something as well.

I've got to prepare myself as well. Being nothing but a liability will be terrible and I do want to help.

1 comment:

Gehn said...

if you want to know about naraku, then look here: